Handling Partner Objections (Deeply Rooted)
This case happens specifically when the partner objection is deeply rooted in their position and there is no way they want to do anything without consulting with their significant other. In this cases we need to treat their partner as a real objection.
It needs to be implemented with legitimate respect and touch. But if you can do this on a call, you’ll be closing deals you never thought you could before.
Note: Once we get the a situation of partner/fear, we go all in. Again, with much care and touch
“Can I ask you, who’s responsibility is it to go and achieve everything that you want in your life/business?”
“Me, only me.”
[Ideal answer, just keep going].
“Oh, it is shared, me and my team/partner/wife/husband/etc.”
[Double down on who really is the ultimate responsible to whether or not they achieve it all, the next questions will help as well so make sure you get a solid “Me” and then move forward]
“In regards to all the results that you’ve had on your business in the last 5 years, was it you?”
“Yes, it was me.”
“So, your partner/wife/etc where not involved in those results… the blood the sweat the tears… the victories and the failures as well, all of that was you, right?”
“100%, I was the one going through it all.”
[By mentioning their efforts we appeal to their ego and by closing the question with their failures we guarantee that they will take full ownership as no one will blame their loved ones for their failures].
“With all due respect, what does your wife/partner do?”
[Whether in the company or on their own career]
“She’s a doctor.”
“So, with all the respect they deserve, they don’t come running to you to ask how to do XYZ?”
[perform surgery for example]
“Because, as we all know, you don’t have the knowledge and expertise they have about XYZ, right? Just as they don’t have the knowledge and expertise about
your job…”
“Yeah, I see where you’re going…”
“So, again, with all due respect to them and as you know I got a wife/husband/partner as well…
Why do you feel is fair to go and ask them to make a decision about something they are not involved in and they don’t have any expertise about?”
“You’re right…”
[Don’t let them speak too much. Keep pushing through].
And by no means I’m I saying that they won’t support us, but, as you know, they don’t fully understand everything as you and I do, nor are they responsible for the outcome, as you mentioned before, all of that is on you.
[Keep going].
“Because, on the other side of this, in 3 months time when you are at 100k/month, how are they going to feel when that happens?
“They’d be over the moon, wouldn’t they?”
“Yes, they would be pretty happy about it.”
[Let them open up here].
“And you’ve always achieved what you set for yourself…
But again, who’s responsibility is it to go and make it happen?”
“Yup, it’s been my responsibility all along.”
“So, if that is the case and you know it’s your responsibility and nobody else’s… What decision do you feel XXXXX makes at XYZ level?
What decision would your 2.0 version makes right here and right now to set themselves to achieve all that you want to achieve for yourself and your
“And probably it’s not to go and ask their wife/kids/partner…”
Note: Here you want to pressure with binary options.